The staff of the department
From left to right: Professor A.O. Golyachenko, Assistant Professor H.O. Stelmakh, Prof. T.G. Bakaliuk, Prof. I.R. Mysula, Assistant Professor N.R. Makarchuk, Associate Professor I.I. Kamyshna, Assistant Professor Yu.V. Zavidnyuk, laboratory technician Shevchuk L.S.
Master's practice on clinical bases
Physical therapy laboratory
Department team (from left to right): Assistant Professor Yu.V.Zavidniuk, Professor T.H.Bakaliuk, Associate Professor I.I. Kamyshna,
Professor I.R. Mysula
Professor I.R. Mysula and Professor T.G. Bakaliuk conduct online defense of master's theses
Department team (from left to right): Assistant Professor Kh.Ya.Maksiv, Professor A.O.Holiachenko, Assistant Professor H.O.Stelmakh, Associate Professor T.H.Bakaliuk, Assistant Professor Yu.V.Zavidniuk, Professor I.R.Mysula, Assistant Professor N.R.Makarchuk
Charity concert for the elderly persons living in the Petryky Regional Gerontological Nursing Home by the students of groups 201, 202 (2019)
Yu.V. Zavidniuk setting the record of Ukraine on the top of Hoverla
Professor I.R.Mysula and Assistant Professor Yu.V.Zavidniuk as a part of the Ukrainian Erasmus+ delegation, Warsaw
Assistant Professor Yu.V.Zavidniuk as a part of the Ukrainian Erasmus+ delegation, Riga
Associate Professor T.H.Bakaliuk presents students the methods of hydrokinesitherapy
Assistant Professor Yu.V.Zavidniuk at a training session in the physical therapy hall
Assistant Professor Yu.V.Zavidniuk at a training session in the physical therapy hall
Associate Professor T.H.Bakaliuk at a training session in the magnetotherapy room
Department team (from left to right): Assistant Professor Yu.V.Zavidniuk, Professor A.O.Holiachenko, Associate Professor T.H.Bakaliuk, Professor I.R.Mysula, Associate Professor O.Ya.Ziatkovska, Laboratory Technician N.A.Stasina (2017)
Department team (from left to right): Associate Professor L.V.Levytska, Associate Professor O.S.Kvasnitska, Professor I.R.Mysula, Associate Professor T.H.Bakaliuk, Laboratory Technician N.A.Stasina, Professor A.O.Holiachenko
Associate Professor T.H.Bakaliuk at a training session (2016)
Associate Professor L.V.Levytska at a training session (2014)
Department team (from left to right): Associate Professor V.B.Koval, Associate Professor V.V.Shafransky, Associate Professor N.O.Davybida, Assistant Professor A.V.Novikov, Associate Professor T.H.Bakaliuk, Assistant Professor I.M.Salayda, Professor I.R.Mysula, Assistant Professor T.I.Sudomyr, Associate Professor L.V.Levytska, Assistant Professor O.M.Lavrinenko, Assistant Professor V.I.Bondarchuk, Assistant Professor H.T.Pytliar, Assistant Professor V.L.Nazaruk
Professor I.R.Mysula exemining a patient during a medical round
Department teachers discussing training methods (from left to right): Professor A.O.Holiachenko, Associate Professor T.H.Bakaliuk, Assistant Professor O.M.Lavrinenko, Professor I.R.Mysula (2012)